Take a short, new year inventory

As a new year begins, have you given thought to changes that may be in store at your place of employment?  How is your company preforming in the marketplace? What has changed or should change in your department?  Is your job secure? 

Ask yourself, “What am I doing today to enhance my skills and experience and expand my network of contacts?”  You owe it to yourself and your family to take an active role in your job security and growth.  Now is a great time to give some thought to:

  • How is my attitude at work? 

  • How do I get along with my colleagues? 

  • What have been my accomplishments over the last year?

  • How have I enhanced my job skills?  (Classes, certifications, seminars, etc.?)

  • Have I stayed in touch with past colleagues for future networking? 

  • Have I identified and developed other important work relationships, both within and outside the company?

  • Have I set personal and professional goals for the new year?

  • What have I done in the past year to challenge myself?

  • What does success mean to me today?

Remember, the only thing that you can count on is change. Considering and then acting upon some or all the above will help better prepare you for any job-related changes that will come along in the new year. 


Cathy Synko,
Managing Partner at Synko Associates, LLC
