Robert Zemeckis reminds us that our Goals for 2019 are Obtainable.

Robert Zemeckis reminds us that our goals for 2019 are obtainable.

Holiday movies? If Back to the Future, Forrest Gump or Cast Away are on your must-watch-again list, read on. What might be as entertaining as those movies is the bio of their Academy Award-winning director Robert Zemeckis. He and I have a bit in common as we grew up in practically the same neighborhood.

He has South Chicago roots, and I too learned how to work hard in South Chicago, actually The Region in Northwest Indiana. Same economic profile, same culture, same corner taverns everywhere. Same parents who had us destined to work in a steel mill and told us to get real jobs (not follow dreams). Years ago, when I first became aware of Zemeckis, his success, in a small part, never-the-less a part, is why I began believing stardom is possible for anyone with the mind to work hard and reach higher.

Zemeckis wasn't destined for much, yet he had magic. He had a dream - to make films. He stopped thinking about it and got acting on it. He bought a Greyhound bus ticket and went to LA. Okay, I haven't made it in Hollywood yet. However, California could be the next phase of my life. You'd know who said this, "Never, never, never give up." Read the Wikipedia article about Zemeckis; it may be as enjoyable as watching those wonderful Christmas season movies.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and my wish for you to is to aim high and begin acting upon your "Hollywood" dream in 2019.

- Nick Synko